Monday, May 6, 2013

10 Months!

I am soooo blog slacking. It's been a whirlwind since we arrived in Okinawa. Somehow in all the craziness surrounding the moved I skipped Caden's 9 month pics. Here are his 10 months even though I took them one day before he turns 11 months. He's weighing about 22 pounds which hasn't changed in a while. He has mastered crawling and is all over the place. He is so fast and follows us everywhere saying "mama!". He's pulling up on everything he sees including me! He still isn't walking, but he will stand by himself and get his balance. He is also furniture surfing and wall walking! He is doing way better with table food and I don't think he has found a food he doesn't like. He talks all the time and is saying bye bye, ball, mama, dada and a whole bunch of other gibberish. I am sooooo thankful to be able to stay at home with him now. He was at a really great daycare in the states, but now I get him allllll the time. It took Caden a while to adjust to the time changes. He is getting better, but since we are still in a hotel and his too is the living room, he wakes up around 6:30 or so...on Saturday since nobody disturbed him, he slept until 8:00! Woohoo! I think once he gets his own room again he will sleep longer. He somehow picked up a cold in the past day and I am hoping it will pass soon on its own without having to make a trip to the doctor.