Tuesday, December 18, 2012

6 Months!

Caden celebrated his half birthday while we were in Texas for Josh's graduation from basic training (separate blog to come).

He's growing so fast these days! At his check up he was 17lbs 8oz and 26 in long! He's such a sweet baby and perfect in every way. He loves going backwards in his walker and "dancing" to music!!

Thursday, November 15, 2012



I took our little Chef to B's house for a Halloween get together and then we went trick or treating!

Petting Zoo

I took Caden to the petting zoo at the fair. We had a great time and Caden just soaked in the sights!

5 Months!!

11/7/12 Caden turned 5 months old! I can hardly believe how fast it's gone by. We recently started baby food. I started him off with squash and he's had it three nights. So far so good! We've been working a lot on holding his bottle and sitting by himself. Both are going great. His hair is really growing more and so far it's blonde. We will be going to Texas next month on the 5th to see Josh graduate from basic training!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Adventures in Rice Cereal

So about 2 weeks ago Caden started having Rice Cereal once a day. We got off to quite a rocky start. We put him in his bumbo the first time and he hated everything! So I put my thinking cap on and knew he loooooooved bath time. Soooo he got cereal in his bath the next night and it worked like a charm! He had fun splashing and eating his cereal. The next night was not bath night so I figured I would just hold him and feed him...nope. He screamed and cried the whole time. So now on bath nights he gets it in the bath and other nights I put him in his bouncy, vibrating chair and does great! I have thickened it up now so it's the consistency of baby food. I am soooo glad I took my sis in laws advice and did not just put it in his bottle. He just needed time to get used to the whole process!

It is usually said that the Rice Cereal will help them start sleeping through the night....not with Caden! haha! He usually goes down at 8:30 and then wakes at about 1:30 or 2:30. Well today he stayed asleep until 4:52, so maybe we are making some progress!

I also haven't written about his new "school"...which I LOVE!!! He is at a Home Daycare now with my sister in laws sister. So he also gets to be with his cousin all day! Brit is great with the kids and even has Caden doing crafts! He has been there a week and a half now and I could not be happier with the care he receives! I got so lucky getting that spot!

We miss daddy a lot, as he is still in Texas for basic training. Only 7 more weeks until we get to see him again!!

Monday, October 8, 2012

4 Months!!

Caden is 4 months old! So hard to believe! He started eating rice cereal (slowly but surely lol) he talks all the time and is working hard at rolling over (no quite there yet)

14lbs 6oz
24 1/2 inches long

He will be starting a new day care on Wednesday with my sister in laws sister's home day care! Can't wait! He will get to hang with his cousin all day!

Another note, Josh joined the Air Force! He has been working on it for two years now and he left for bootcamp today. We will miss him very much the next 8 1/2 weeks, but it will be worth it in the long run!