Saturday, September 1, 2012

Pool Day!

Last weekend Caden had his first dip in the pool! He loved being in the water! Can't wait to take him again when we go to Rhode Island! Love my water baby!!

Boating Baby!!

A couple weekends ago we all went out on my dad's new boat. I was kind of nervous about taking Caden, but after reading several blogs about babies and boats online I became more confidant. We bought him a life jacket which is from 0-30 pounds. Huge gap in size there so I thought he would freak when we put it on. We timer his next feeding to be on the boat ride out to the scalloping grounds. He did amazing. He was so chill the whole time. Slept a lot. Must have been the fresh sea air. He had a great time. We kept him in the shade and made sure to use sunscreen, which we tested on him the day before, he also had a had that covered his ears. We had a great time with the family and ate looking forward to taking him out again on Sunday!