Long time no blog! There hasn't really been any new news lately except that my brother Joel and his wife Meredith are expecting a little GIRL February 10, 2012! Her name is Kaisley Reese, and we are all very excited for her arrival! Also, Josh's brother Travis got engaged!! We are so thrilled for him and Katie!! <3
I have finally gotten my surgery scheduled. Thursday November 17th in the morning. I will be having it done at Sacred Heart Hospital in Pensacola, FL. The procedures I am getting are a diagnostic laparoscopy/hysteroscopy (google away! lol). It should take about 90 minutes total as long as there are no complications...with my luck who knows what could happen! Haha! I am very excited and also extremely nervous since I have never had to be put under before.
I have heard many success stories after this surgery was done and great things about this hospital. I am sure I will be in good hands! Thank you all for your love and continued support!